#6: Venus Fly Traps

Today marks the halfway point of my seventh-month contract here onboard the Veendam.  I’ve certainly enjoyed some great adventures so far, but I suppose what I’ve been experiencing recently has been somewhat of a “midlife crisis”- midlife meaning midway through the life of my contract. I’ve mostly settled into a routine- visiting the same 6 New England cities every 7 days, performing 4 nights a week, safety drills twice a week, teaching line dance classes, scoping out the awesome dessert selection after dinner.  But outside of this rhythm, life onboard has me… well, bored.  Through many a humbling conversation, sponsored by terrible Wi-Fi and the amazing man who has to put up with all my crazy antics (Dankie, JJ <3), I now acknowledge I have a LOT of free time.  (Good practice for retirement?)

However, I thought I was doing a good job to fill this time.  I explore new coffee shops in nearly every port.  I’ve taken up running in port to feel the wind in my hair and the money I’m not spending still in my pocket.  I’ve been flying through the many dramatic seasons of Game of Thrones.  And I’ve even inadvertently become the leader of the Crew Recreational Committee, planning crew parties, crew talent shows and teaching English classes for crew.  I do crossword puzzles, I study Afrikaans, I maintain a monthly budget, I read in a long-distance book club with my NYC friends, I have this blog I (rarely) write in… I have soooo many hobbies- clearly!  What more could I possibly do??  And then the words of a loving friend, Yasa, sweetly reminded me that a hobby is something you feel no obligation to do, but simply do it for enjoyment.  Not to please anyone else or meet any deadlines.  And humbled again, I struggled to name one thing that I don’t have an ounce of dread at the thought of doing, but do simply for FUN. 

It’s safe to say life hit a new low when I found myself sitting at the Glitter Bean Café in Halifax, Nova Scotia sipping on a Glitter Latte and reading a Buzzfeed article entitled, “29 Hobbies For People WhoReally Want A Hobby But Have No Idea Where To Start.”  (I’m not kidding!  Click on the link to see for yourself.)  I even took about 4 different quizzes to help me find new hobbies that’d be a good fit for my personality.  My favorite result?  “Growing Carnivorous Plants.”  (Still not kidding!)  The description stated,
“Sometimes dealing with people exhaust you, but that’s only because you have such a tender soul that you have to protect it carefully.  Send a message that your nurturing nature has a toothy edge by growing carnivorous plants.  As you gently stroke and feed your baby Venus Fly Traps, others will finally understand that you’re a warm and helpful person, but your boundaries are sharp and clear.” 

A toothy edge?!  Seriously?!  It wasn’t exactly the guidance I was looking for.  So here I am, returning to this blog I started to chronicle the best and worst parts of all 216 days onboard… no wonder I’ve gotten behind schedule!  That’s a lot of days for me to write about, not to mention for you to read about!  And I regret to confess blogging has lost its excitement for me, no longer something I look forward to but feel burdened to keep up with.  But why?  Why do I need to put these parameters on writing if it’s meant to be for fun?  (If only turning fun into a chore was considered a hobby…)  The truth is “it’s my blog, and I can write what I want to.”  So today I am letting go of the expectations I’ve put on myself with this blog and am writing with freedom!  I am re-learning how to relax and how to ENJOY!

Upon further reflection I think watching the Green Bay Packers play and taking bubble baths (not necessarily simultaneously) could each be considered my hobbies, but the fact remains that I live on a SHIP.  And because I neither have control over the television network nor a bathtub, both of these things are nearly impossible right now.  So I open the floor to all of you!  Comment below with your favorite hobbies and why you like them!  If you like to read, send some book recommendations my way!

As always, thanks for reading.  And especially this week, thanks for making life more FUN! 

#5: Being Away…

Being Away… 

It’s been about a month since my last post, so that means a lot of days of “best/worsts” piled up, waiting to be shared.  I’ll get to sharing those soon because it really has been an amazing month (mostly filled with eating and drinking) in Canada & New England, but today I just want to take an opportunity to reveal a very real part of ship life.  The reality of being away…

“Being away” is an innate part of traveling.  You pack a bag (or 2, or 3) with items that hopefully will aid you during your days away and then you step forward towards your adventure.  So when is the last time you packed a suitcase and went away?  Where were you going?  Did you have some loved ones by your side as travel buddies or were you flying solo?

For me, this state of  being away feels all too familiar.  I was away from dance during my yearlong journey to recovery after fracturing my foot.  Then I was away from home in Wisconsin after moving out and stepping towards new adventures in New York City.  For the past 2.5 years, I have been away from the other half of my heart, JJ, living separate lives on the other side of the globe in a long distance relationship.  And now I am here on the ship, having said goodbye to my new job, new church, new roommates and new lifeline of best friends in New York.  Yet again...away. 

But just as travel implies being away, “being away” implies an orientation of "home"- the place from which you are away.  Life is a bit funny right now… splitting me in all sorts of different slices of “home.” 

Today I am in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.  It is a beautiful day on the harbor with blue skies opening up, and the sun shining through.  And tonight I get to perform on a moving vessel, pushing my body to the peak of its athleticism and sharing my joy of life through movement with an audience of 1000 passengers from all over the world. 

But today is also the day my parents had to put down our beautiful dog, Blanche.  So my heart is very heavy.  And today is it especially difficult to be away.  For those who did not have the privilege of meeting her, Blanche is a 13-year-old yellow lab and the founding member of “The Blondes.” Blanche has developed severe arthritis in her back legs and can no longer get up and move on her own.  She now breathes very heavily and seems to be losing more and more weight each day.   But she is a gorgeous dog and has been such a special part of our family- she’s been with us for most of the time our family has been living in this current house!  But since I am away, I will not get to hug her one last time.  I will not get to sit with my parents as they take her for one last ride in the car.  I will not even be there with them to feel the void of her in our house- no longer curled up on the ottoman, not plopped down under the barstool chairs or hiding beneath mom’s clothes hanging in the closet. Because I am away. 

Shockingly enough, even while I am away on my adventure, time keeps ticking around the world.  And you miss out on things while living at sea.  Family parties and Brewer games and birthdays and weddings.  Reunion trips to South Africa to be immersed again in the culture with loved ones.  And sometimes, like now, missing out even on priceless moments to be together and grieve.

But what am I to do?  I made this choice to pursue my dreams making a living dancing on a beautiful vessel in the middle of the ocean.  So now it is my duty to make the most of my choice to be away by truly enjoying what I’m doing here.  Make it as worth it as possible.  So tonight, during our evening’s performances, I will dance with gratitude for this opportunity.  Tonight I will move freely, without pain, legs bounding from joy to joy.  Tonight, this one’s for you, Blanche. 

Bye, Blanchie.  We will miss you so much. 

#4: Life's a Beach

Greetings from somewhere in the Atlantic!

We are back in Boston today after just completing a 14-day cruise to many tropical destinations including Key West, Cuba, Jamaica and the Bahamas with many full days at sea in between.  As promised, here are the highs and lows of the past couple of weeks.  Thanks for reading!

Saturday, June 23
Boston, MA- Start of a New Cruise!
·       I bought new tennis shoes for running.  They were originally $80, but I got them for $44!  As JJ always says, with a deal like that, “It’d be rude not to!” ;)
·       We performed LTTM to kick off another cruise and for whatever reason in every dance tonight, the point of my heels on my ballroom shoes kept getting caught in the hem of my dresses while I was dancing!  Not cool!
Sunday, June 24
Sea Day
·       Finally got to sleep in today!  Weekends and regular off-days don’t really exist on a ship, so you have to create them yourself!
·       Today I sat down with my laptop, opened an excel spreadsheet and created a budget!  I felt very accomplished and look forward to working toward my savings goal throughout this contract.  Yay, for adulting!
·       I am waddling everywhere I go today because I am super sore from leg day two days ago, haha!
Monday, June 25
Sea Day            
·       Tonight we performed Classique and received a standing ovation!  Feels good to get such a positive response from our guests!
·       My body is feeling very fatigued lately, especially my back.  I can feel I have a big knot on one side and it’s making it hard to breathe!  May need to invest in a massage onboard soon!
Tuesday, June 26
Sea Day            
·       Tonight I went to dinner at the Italian specialty restaurant, Canaletto, with a few other cast members.  So much amazing food, WOW!
·       After 3 weeks onboard with no emergency function, our luck finally ran out and we received our In Port Manning schedule.  In Port Manning (IPM) is a rotating schedule detailing which crew members need to stay onboard when we are in port to be available for coverage in the event of an emergency. Until today, the cast was not on this rotation, so we could get off the ship in every port! Now we each have been assigned certain port days where we must stay on the ship.  So it goes…
Wednesday, June 27
Key West, FL
·       It was a VERY HOT ONE, but what a great day in Key West!  We got to see the Southernmost Point of the continental US, eat at Sloppy Joe’s Bar, and enjoyed frozen, chocolate-covered Key Lime Pie on a stick!  I think I died and went to heaven!
·       It was veryyyy humid today in Key West and when we got back onboard, we had to perform Dance- our most athletic show!  We were all ready to pass out by day’s end!
Thursday, June 28
Havana, Cuba
·       I was initially scheduled to have IPM today, but was miraculously able to get off the ship after I found someone to switch duties with!
·       While out in Havana, Morgan and I accidentally came across this amazing ballet performance by the Malandain Ballet Biarritz of Cuba.  So cool!
·       Cuba is an interesting country with lots of beautiful architecture, but it’s not hard to see the corruption that exists there.  Locals compete for tourist business and on our way back to the ship, Morgan and I were unknowingly cheated by our taxi driver who claimed we gave him a $1 bill instead of a $20 bill.  It wasn’t until later that we realized he had switched the bills on us and we had just paid him twice for our ride.   On the plus side, we made it safely back to the ship and he gave us back the $1 bill he claimed we gave him, so I guess we were only shorted $19 instead of $20…aye yi yi.
Friday, June 29
Havana again!
·       Enjoyed a beautiful sunset on land with palm tree silhouettes
·       Everything in Cuba is very inexpensive!  Check out this 4 liter ice tower of beer that only cost $16!  (Don’t worry…I shared).
·       There was an oil spill on the way to our next scheduled port, Cienfuegos, so our visit to that port has been cancelled and we are now spending another full day in Havana.
Saturday, June 30
Sea Day            
·       I am celebrating from afar that after nearly 2 years away, JJ is finally reunited with his family for a visit in South Africa!  Baie lekker! :D
·       While my heart is so full and happy for them, I am greatly missing the Naude family today and trying to pass time on this long, empty sea day distracting myself onboard watching Game of Thrones, going to the gym and playing board games.
Sunday, July 1
Georgetown, Grand Cayman
·       Enjoyed another beautiful beach today with VERY salty water!
·       Many stores were closed today in port due to it being a Sunday during the off-season. 
Monday, July 2
Ocho Rios, Jamaica
·       It’s been 13 years since the iconic Wheeler family cruise and today I finally returned to Ocho Rios, Jamaica! Ya mon!
·       The best part of today was our taxi driver, Castello- a local Jamaican man who really hooked us up with the best deal on Red Stripe beers so we were well-stocked for the beach!
·       We went to Mahogany Beach, which wasn’t the nicest, comparitively.  It was a bit small and the sand was pretty rough, but it’s hard to complain about another day at another beach! 
Tuesday, July 3
Sea Day            
·       The highlight of my day today was enjoying a soft-serve cone of chocolate and vanilla twist while I walked in the mid-day sun along the top, sports deck admiring the clear blue water below.  What a treat!
·       I suppose the grass is always greener, but on sea days when we don’t have much work to do (today we only had to teach a 30 minute line dancing class), the time can crawl by, making me almost wish I was working more.  Almost.
Wednesday, July 4
Half Moon Cay
·       Enjoyed yet another Beautiful Beach on Holland America’s Private Island!
·       Late tonight we had Crew Bingo- I love Crew Social Events and intermingling with other departments!
·       Not winning in Crew Bingo and Austin (fellow dancer) won TWICE! HOW?! L
Thursday, July 5
Sea Day
·       We teach line dances to guests periodically during their cruise and tonight the cast made a cameo appearance up on the dance floor to line dance with guests at midnight.  However, it was formal night tonight, so the best part of my night was doing the Wobble in my evening gown!  Haha, wobble baby!
·       Finding out some of us crew might have to disembark the ship in Boston for a couple days due to some issues with one of our lifeboats and avoiding being overcapacity-yikes!
·       The rockiest night yet since we’ve been onboard and we had to perform Atlantic Crossing!  Talk about Rock’n Roll!
Friday, July 6
Sea Day
·       Got to sleep in again!
·       We also had a Cast Chat today where we do a Q&A with guests and give them a backstage tour.  It’s always so fun to meet them and share some inside info with them.   One guest even thanked me for sharing my story of my journey with dance and said she has a niece with similar dreams!
·       This afternoon/evening was a rainy/gloomy one as we watched the sea blend in with the gray sky.  But it was cool to see some strikes of lightning every now and then!

More Photos

Key West



Jamaica, Mon!

Jerk Chicken and Red Stripe- obviously!

Celebrating the Fourth of July in Half Moon Cay, Bahamas

Cheers to my Brew Crew!

"I Wish I Could Stay Here Forever"


#6: Venus Fly Traps

Today marks the halfway point of my seventh-month contract here onboard the Veendam.   I’ve certainly enjoyed some great ...